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Here you can find out a bit about what I have been up to in my life to date, the schools I have attended and places that I have worked, projects that I have worked on if you are interested, so indeed a veritable mini CV. The idea is to have links to everything linkable but this could take a while to accomplish so please bear with me and if any of the links are dead or inaccurate then let me know and I will do what I can to track down the correct ones.

OK here goes with the life history:

As I mentioned above, you can request a full copy of my CV by clicking here or just send me an email telling me who you are, what kind of position you are looking to fill, and of course in what format you would like the document e.g. MS Word version... PDF...



  • 12 Month Progress Report: It is standard practice in this department to compose a report at the end of the first year of research for a DPhil project. This is my report submitted at the end of August 1999. Needless to say that it is already out of date.

Final Thesis

  • Final D.Phil Thesis: This is a PDF of teh final submitted version of my DPhil thesis. Sadly without the cartoons - you will have to find a hard copy for that!!

Other Projects

  • Magnesium Binding to Calmodulin: This is some work I did for Daniel Lafitte at the University of Warwick. I hasten to add that it was not very thorough but showed some interesting potential.