Religious header

arrow Thought for the day This something that is sent to me daily from a friend coutesy of Dan and Lutricia Skaggs and makes for a nice way to start the day.
arrow Beliefs! Click here to read a little bit about what I believe and how it came about - in other words my testimony I guess! There is now a PS to this as a result of my commitment on the 13/02/00 and subsequent baptism on the 16/04/00.
arrow Footprints This is a relatively well known piece of prose which again tells you a little bit about what it is to be a Christian. If you know this piece then you might like to have a look at the slightly less serious Alternative Footprints.
arrow The dream This is a wonderful piece of writing of unknown origin but is very moving. If you've never read it then I recommend you do now - It may well make more of an impact than you thought!
arrow Various links Click here to see a selection of links to other Christian web pages.